
The Watij Plug-in uses the Watij library to execute the test cases. Watij controls Internet Explorer. This means the tests must be run under Windows. Please see the Watij site for more information on what Watij can do and to familiarize yourself with the Watij API.

This plug-in requires Java 5.0 or greater to run. Please submit any bugs you find.


  • Full access to the DOM
  • Full XPath support for identifying elements on a HTML page or for performing validations. See W3 School Tutorial if you don't know what XPath is.
  • Full support of JavaScript
  • Rich set of XML tags for writing test scripts without having to implement java classes
  • It's free and you even get the source!

To Do

The following items still need to be implemented in the plug-in:

  • Add support for frames into the plug-in. Currently, you will likely need to write custom tags to test frames.
  • Implement more tags.