Class AssertLevel

  extended by net.sf.jameleon.util.AssertLevel

public class AssertLevel
extends Object

A singleton that keeps track of the assert levels accross all test cases. This is implemented by calling an "assert" method that takes an assertLevel parameter in it. If an "assert" method without that parameter is sent, this singleton will no be used to check whether the assert can happen or not. The order of test levels follows:

  1. SMOKE
  2. LEVEL1
  3. LEVEL2
  5. LEVEL4
  6. LEVEL5
  8. LEVEL7
  9. LEVEL8
The LEVEL are used when there is a test level that is somewhere between two of the test levels with meaning. It is suggested that SMOKE, FUNCTION, REGRESSION, and ACCEPTANCE are exclusively used until a need is found for more levels.

Field Summary
static int ACCEPTANCE
          An Acceptance level test.
static int FUNCTION
          A Function level test.
protected  int greaterThanLevel
static int INVALID_LEVEL
          An invalid level.
protected  int lessThanLevel
protected  int level
static int LEVEL1
          A test level between a Smoke and Function.
static int LEVEL2
          A test level between a Smoke and Function.
static int LEVEL4
          A test level between a Function and Regression.
static int LEVEL5
          A test level between a Function and Regression.
static int LEVEL7
          A test level between a Regression and Acceptance.
static int LEVEL8
          A test level between a Regression and Acceptance.
protected  Set levels
static int NO_LEVEL
          The default setting of every level
static int REGRESSION
          A Regression level test.
static int SMOKE
          A Smoke level test.
Method Summary
 void addLevel(int level)
          Adds at level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed to the list of possible levels.
 boolean assertPerformable(int assertLevel)
          Tests whether an assert should be performed at a certain level.
 void clearAll()
          Clears any assert levels that may have been set.
 int getGreaterThanLevel()
static AssertLevel getInstance()
 int getLessThanLevel()
 int getLevel()
 Set getLevels()
 void removeLevel(int level)
          Removes at level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed to the list of possible levels.
 void setGreaterThanLevel(int greaterThanLevel)
          Sets the level at which asserts with set to or greater than the value this is set may be executed.
 void setLessThanLevel(int lessThanLevel)
          Sets the level at which asserts with levels set to or less than the value this is set may be executed.
 void setLevel(int level)
          Sets the level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SMOKE
A Smoke level test. A Smoke test is usually run before QA even begins to start their testing. This tells the tester that application is in some kind of functional state. In other words, these are tests that MUST pass in order for QA to even bother further test.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL1
A test level between a Smoke and Function. Used just in case more levels are needed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL2
A test level between a Smoke and Function. Used just in case more levels are needed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FUNCTION
A Function level test. A Function test is usually run by QA to see if the application is mostly working correctly. Usually these kinds of tests test that a feature works as documented.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL4
A test level between a Function and Regression. Used just in case more levels are needed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL5
A test level between a Function and Regression. Used just in case more levels are needed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REGRESSION
A Regression level test. When a bug/feature is initially agreed upon, QA writes up tests to expose these. These are then qualify as regression tests as they are used to prove that the software isn't regressing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL7
A test level between a Regression and Acceptance. Used just in case more levels are needed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL8
A test level between a Regression and Acceptance. Used just in case more levels are needed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ACCEPTANCE
An Acceptance level test. Acceptance tests are usually very picky. They are the ultimate in proving that the application is ready for the best customer experience.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INVALID_LEVEL
An invalid level. Used for validation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NO_LEVEL
The default setting of every level

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int greaterThanLevel


protected int lessThanLevel


protected int level


protected Set levels
Method Detail


public static AssertLevel getInstance()
the instance available to everyone of AssertLevel


public void clearAll()
Clears any assert levels that may have been set.


public boolean assertPerformable(int assertLevel)
Tests whether an assert should be performed at a certain level. The greaterThanlevel and lessThanLevel are actually greaterThanOrEqualTo and lessThanOrEqualTo. All possible combinations may be set and all will be checked.

assertLevel - - The level the assert is going to be executed against.
true if the assert should be performed.


public int getGreaterThanLevel()
The level at which asserts with set to or greater than the value this is set may be executed.


public int getLessThanLevel()
The level at which asserts with levels set to or less than the value this is set may be executed.


public int getLevel()
The level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.


public Set getLevels()
The levels at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.


public void setGreaterThanLevel(int greaterThanLevel)
Sets the level at which asserts with set to or greater than the value this is set may be executed.

greaterThanLevel - - The level at which asserts with set to or greater than the value this is set may be executed.


public void setLessThanLevel(int lessThanLevel)
Sets the level at which asserts with levels set to or less than the value this is set may be executed.

lessThanLevel - - The level at which asserts with levels set to or less than the value this is set may be executed.


public void setLevel(int level)
Sets the level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.

level - - The level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.


public void addLevel(int level)
Adds at level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed to the list of possible levels.

level - - The level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.


public void removeLevel(int level)
Removes at level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed to the list of possible levels.

level - - The level at which asserts with levels set to this may be executed.

Copyright © 2003-2008 Christian Hargraves. All Rights Reserved.