
This section is meant to help get you up and running Topics will only be briefy discussed as the full documentation is elsewhere on site. The section assumes you either downloaded which has everything installed (recommended) and pre-configured or you installed it yourself by reading the Jameleon install instructions and the HtmlUnit plug-in install instructions.

This plug-in use XPath heavily. XPath is very powerful and allows the tester to be as specific or as general as desired. This plug-in uses XPath for both validation and for defining HTML elements to act on (click, select, etc ...). To learn more about XPath in a tutorial fashion, click here.

Required Reading

If you haven't already, be sure to read the Jameleon Getting Started section that discusses the basic principles of Jameleon.

Viewing Available Tags

To find out what tags are available in the htmlUnit plug-in, simply start up the GUI by double-clicking on "jameleon.bat" and selecting the "Function Tags" tab on the bottom left. Next, double-click on the "Functional Points" folder on the top left. Next select net, sf, jameleon, plugin follwed by htmlunit The HtmlUnit plug-in session and function tags are located directly in this folder and some generic tags are provided in the tags folder.

How to Use the HtmlUnit plug-in

Basically, all you need to do is use the <htmlunit-session/> tag in your testcase. All HtmlUnit function tags must exist inside a <htmlunit-session/> tag. There are several tests in the source distriubtion of the htmlunit-plugin-src file. These files have several XPath examples for those not comfortable with XPath. There is also a sample script that uses several of the tags. The tag docs in the GUI also come with several examples.