Package net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.util

Interface Summary
BrowserCache This interface defines methods for dealing with multiple open browser windows.
DocumentDelegate A simple interface to interact with the object that contains the reference to IHTMLFormElement and IHTMLDocument2.

Class Summary
DialogListener This class is specific to clicking on dialog boxes.
IEEventListener The IEEventListener acts as a control instance for InternetExplorer instances created and used by any IEFunctionTag
IHTMLElementFinder This class was created to be used by the IEFunctionTag.
JiffieEventHandler This class implements an event handler which receives only the events the jiffie plug-in cares about.
JiffieEventHandlerFactory This class creates instances of the JiffieEventHandler class.

Copyright © 2004-2008 Christian Hargraves. All Rights Reserved.