This is a list of available tags for Jiffie Plug-in. This list of tags is also available in the Jameleon GUI. You can get there by selecting the "Functional Points" tab on the lower-left. All tags, including custom tags and other enabled plug-ins' tags, show up in the GUI.
Tag | Short Description |
<ie-attribute/> | An extension of the {@link ParamTag} specific to the Jiffie plug-in. |
<ie-attribute-name/> | Specifies the name of the element attribute. |
<ie-attribute-value/> | Specifies the value of the element attribute. |
<ie-click-button/> | Clicks a provided button. |
<ie-click-html-element/> | Clicks a provided html element. |
<ie-click-link/> | Clicks on a given link. |
<ie-close-window/> | Closes the current browser window. |
<ie-execute-javascript/> | A Tag that executes a body of javascript in the context of IE. |
<ie-fire-event/> | Fires event methtods in a provided HTML element. |
<ie-get-matching-text/> | Gets the matching text against the currently active IE and sets it in the context. |
<ie-go-back/> | Clicks the browser's back button. |
<ie-go-forward/> | Clicks the browser's forward button. |
<ie-is-text-present/> | Check whether the given text exists on the current page. |
<ie-navigate/> | Navigates directly to the given URL. |
<ie-send-keys/> | Sends the provided keys to the screen. |
<ie-session/> | This is a Jiffie implementation of the @see SessionTag. |
<ie-set-checkbox/> | This action point checks any checkbox in a form or not. |
<ie-set-hidden-field/> | This action point sets the value of any hidden field. |
<ie-set-password-field/> | This action point sets the value of any password field in form or not. |
<ie-set-radiobutton/> | This action point sets the value of any radio button. |
<ie-set-select-field/> | Sets the value(s) of any select field. |
<ie-set-text-area/> | This action point sets the value of any text area. |
<ie-set-text-field/> | This action point sets the value of any text field. |
<ie-set-window-focus/> | Sets focus on an opened IE window with the provided title or index. |
<ie-snap-shot/> | Takes a snapshot of the currently displayed page. |
<ie-validate/> | Validates the title, text and links on the page. |
<ie-validate-checkbox/> | Checks the value of any checkbox field in the form or not. |
<ie-validate-password-field/> | Verifies the value of any password field. |
<ie-validate-radiobutton/> | Verifies that a radio button has been set to a given value. |
<ie-validate-select-field/> | Validates the currently selected value(s) of the provided select field. |
<ie-validate-text/> | Validates text or a regular expression can be found in the current HTML document. |
<ie-validate-text-area/> | Verifies the value of any text area. |
<ie-validate-text-field/> | Verifies the value of any text field. |
<ie-validate-title/> | Validates the title in several different ways. |
<ie-validate-xpath/> | Validates the given xpath ( see: http://www. |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
identifier | ieClickButtonIdentifier |
Best if used for input type=image or button. For image input types, it will try to match it with the src or alt attribute. For submit and button types, it will try to match it with the value attribute. If this attribute is set, then name and value will be ignored. | false | java.lang.String | |
name | ieClickButtonName |
The name of the button's name attribute. | false | java.lang.String | |
value | ieClickButtonValue |
The value of the button's vakue attribute. | false | java.lang.String | |
form | ieClickButtonForm |
The name, id or index of the form with the button to click. This attribute is required if neither the nested ie-attribute element nor the xpath attribute is not used. | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
link | ieClickLink |
Link (link text, id, alt, name or img src) in page to be clicked. | false | java.lang.String | |
ignoreTarget | ieClickLinkIgnoreTarget |
Ignore target If set to 'true', will not open link in new window (if the link has a target). | false | false | boolean |
href | ieClickLinkHref |
Link (link text, id, alt, name, regex or img src) in the page to be clicked. | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Closes the current browser window.
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
script |
The Javascript body to execute. | true | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Gets the matching text against the currently active IE and sets it in the context.
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
varName | ieGetMatchinTextVarName |
The name by which a context variable will be created | false | java.lang.String | |
regex | ieGetMatchinTextRegex |
The pattern which is to be used to extract the data from the repsonse | false | java.lang.String | |
regexGroup | ieGetMatchinTextRegexGroup |
The group number (based on parenthesis) to extract the data from. For example, the following regex has two different groups: (Some text ([\\d]+)) The first group would be the entire expression. The second group would be only the matching numbers. | false | int | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Clicks the browser's back button.
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Clicks the browser's forward button.
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
text | ieIsTextPresentText |
The text to verify existence of. | true | java.lang.String | |
varName | ieIsTextPresentVarName |
The variable to store the Boolean result to | true | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
url | ieNavigateUrl |
URL to navigate to | true | java.lang.String | |
username | ieNavigateUsername |
Username for pages that require basic authentication. | false | java.lang.String | |
password | ieNavigatePassword |
Password for pages that require basic authentication. | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Sends the provided keys to the screen. Please see IE SendKeys method docs for specs on how to represent keys. NOTE: the windowTitle is the text that appears on the top left of the actual window. For example, the Calculator application has a title of "Calculator".
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
windowTitle | ieSendKeysWindowTitle |
The title of the window to send keys to. | true | java.lang.String | |
keys | ieSendKeysKeys |
The keys to send to the screen | true | java.lang.String | |
maxWaitTime | ieSendKeysMaxWaitTime |
The maximum number of seconds to wait before failing. | 30 | true | int |
failOnWindowNotFound | ieSendKeysFailOnWindowNoFound |
The maximum number of seconds to wait before failing. | true | false | boolean |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
visible |
If set to true, then Internet Explorer will be visible. | false | boolean | ||
baseUrl | baseUrl |
Used when the beginSession is set to true. This is the url, including protocol http:// | false | java.lang.String | |
beginAt | beginAt |
Used when the beginSession attribute is set to true. This the path to navigate to. It is recommended to only use baseUrl, including the entire path and not use this. | false | java.lang.String | |
closeIEOnExit |
If set to true, then any browsers opened by the session will be closed. Set this attribute to false to keep the browsers open. | true | false | boolean | |
clickYesOnSecurityAlert |
Click yes on the Security Alert dialog box if one appears after the session is started. | false | false | boolean | |
clickNoOnSecurityAlert |
Click no on the Security Alert dialog box if one appears after the session is started. | false | false | boolean | |
enableJacobAutoGc |
Turn on com.jacob.autogc | true | false | boolean | |
application |
The name of the application being run according to the * file | false | java.lang.String | ||
organization |
The organization (affiliate or company name) this application will be tested against. | false | java.lang.String | ||
postcondition |
| false | boolean | ||
sessionDelay |
Sets the tag to delay x milliseconds before anything else is executed. | 0 | false | long | |
beginSession |
Starts the applicattion and gets it to the state defined in the $
DEFAULTS to | false | boolean |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetCheckboxName |
The name of the checkbox field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieSetCheckboxValue |
The value of the checkbox field. If set, then the name and value are used to identify the checkbox to check or uncheck | false | java.lang.String | |
checked | ieSetCheckboxValue |
Check the checkbox if set to true; uncheck the checkbox if set to false. | true | boolean | |
form | ieSetCheckboxForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetHiddenFieldName |
The name of the hidden field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieSetHiddenFieldValue |
The value to set the hidden field to | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieSetHiddenFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the form | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetPasswordFieldName |
The name of the text field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieSetPasswordFieldValue |
The value to set the text field to | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieSetPasswordFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetRadiobuttonName |
The name of the radio button | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieSetRadiobuttonValue |
Check the radio button with given value. | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieSetRadiobuttonForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetSelectFieldName |
The name of the text field | true | java.lang.String | |
optionText | ieSetSelectFieldOptionText |
The displayed text of the option to select. This attribute can have multiple values. In which case each one will be validated. | false | java.util.List | |
optionValue | ieSetSelectFieldOptionValue |
The value attribute of the option tag to select. This attribute can have multiple values. In which case each one will be validated. NOTE: This is not the text that appears in the drop-down list. Instead it is the value attribute of the option tag which should be nested inside the select tag. | false | java.util.List | |
optionIndex | ieSetSelectFieldOptionIndex |
The index of the option to select. For example, to select the 2nd option, pass in 1 This attribute can have multiple values. In which case each one will be validated. | false | java.util.List | |
form | ieSetSelectFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetTextAreaName |
The name of the text area | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieSetTextAreaValue |
The value to set the text area to | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieSetTextAreaForm |
The name, id or index of the form | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetTextFieldName |
The name of the text field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieSetTextFieldValue |
The value to set the text field to | true | java.lang.String | |
enforceMaxLength | ieSetTextFieldEnforceMaxLength |
If set to true, then enforce the max length, but cutting off the end of the text. To turn this off, set the value to false. | true | false | boolean |
form | ieSetTextFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the form | false | java.lang.String | |
htmlElement |
The html element type to click on. For example, for <input type="submit" > this would be set to input. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
xpath |
The XPath used to indentify the desired object. Either use this or the name and value tags. Either htmlElement or xpath must be set. | false | java.lang.String | ||
eventToFire |
The name of the javascript event to fire on the form element. | false | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
title |
The title of the desired window to set focus on | false | java.lang.String | ||
browserIndex |
The nth window in the list of open windows | false | java.lang.Integer | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
fileNameToStore |
The file name minus the .html extension. | true | java.lang.String | ||
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
title | ieValidationTitle |
Expected title | false | java.lang.String | |
titleNotEquals | ieValidationTitleNotEquals |
Title that is NOT expected. If multiple titles are passed, then ALL titles are compared. | false | java.util.List | |
textPresent | ieValidationTextPresent |
Text that should exist on the resulting page | false | java.util.List | |
textNotPresent | ieValidationTextNotPresent |
Text that should NOT exist on the resulting page | false | java.util.List | |
linkPresent | ieValidationLinkPresent |
Link that should exist on the resulting page | false | java.util.List | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieValidateCheckboxName |
The name of the checkbox field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieValidateCheckboxValue |
The value of the checkbox field | false | java.lang.String | |
checked | ieValidateCheckboxChecked |
If set to true; validate it is check, otherwise validate it is unchecked. | true | boolean | |
form | ieValidateCheckboxForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieValidatePasswordFieldName |
The name of the password field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieValidatePasswordFieldValue |
The expected value of the password field | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieValidatePasswordFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieValidateRadiobuttonName |
The name of the radio button | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieValidateRadiobuttonValue |
Which value is set in the radio button | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieValidateRadiobuttonForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieSetSelectFieldName |
The name of the text field | true | java.lang.String | |
optionText | ieValidateSelectFieldOptionText |
The expected displayed text (values) of the option to select | false | java.util.List | |
optionValue | ieValidateSelectFieldOptionValue |
The value(s) attribute of the option tag to select | false | java.util.List | |
optionIndex | ieValidateSelectFieldOptionIndex |
The index(es) of the option to select. For example, to select the 2nd option, pass in 1 | false | java.util.List | |
form | ieValidateSelectFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
text | ieValidateTextText |
The text to validate the existence of. | true | java.lang.String | |
regex | ieValidateTextRegex |
Specifies whether the text represents a regular expression. | false | boolean | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieValidateTextAreaName |
The name of the text area | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieValidateTextAreaValue |
The expected value of the text area | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieValidateTextAreaForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name | ieValidateTextFieldName |
The name of the text field | true | java.lang.String | |
value | ieValidateTextFieldValue |
The expected value of the text field | true | java.lang.String | |
form | ieValidateTextFieldForm |
The name, id or index of the field | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
title | ieValidateTitleTitle |
The exact title of the page | false | java.lang.String | |
titleNotEquals | ieValidateTitleTitleNotEquals |
The text that the title should not match | false | java.lang.String | |
titleContains | ieValidateTitleTitleContains |
The text that title should contain | false | java.lang.String | |
titleBeginsWith | ieValidateTitleTitleBeginsWith |
The text that the title should begin with | false | java.lang.String | |
titleEndsWith | ieValidateTitleTitleEndsWith |
The text that the title should end with | false | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
xpath | ieValidateXPathXPath |
specifies the XPath expression to evaluate. | true | java.lang.String | |
Whether or not to wait for a response. Use this attribute if you need to click on something that brings up a prompt window. Just remember that this setting is for the entire duration of the tag. Which means if you click on a link and then try to validate something within the same tag, then it will likely fail. Use with care! | true | false | boolean | |
highlightActiveElement |
Whether or not to highlight the currently active HTML element. This attribute can be set in jameleon.conf via jiffie-plugin.highlightActiveElement | true | false | boolean | |
frameName |
The name attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of names. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameId |
The id attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of ids. | false | java.lang.String | ||
frameSrc |
The src attribute of the frame or iframe to act upon. This can also be a comma-separated list of src attributes. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |