The following is an example of filling out a form, clicking a button and validating the results:
<testcase xmlns="jelly:jameleon" trace="true"> <test-case-summary>Tests searching on the sourceforege site</test-case-summary> <test-case-author>Christian Hargraves</test-case-author> <test-case-level>ACCEPTANCE</test-case-level> <functional-point-tested>Watij Example</functional-point-tested> <watij-session baseUrl="" beginSession="true"> <watij-assert-title functionId="Verify that we are on the sourceforge home page" title=" Welcome to"/> <watij-set-text-field functionId="Enter jameleon into the search box." how="name" what="words" value="jameleon"/> <watij-click functionId="Click on the 'Search' button." how="id" what="searchsubmit"/> <watij-assert-title functionId="Check that we actually did a search for 'Jameleon' and that we found 'Jameleon'" title=" Software Search"/> <watij-click-link functionId="Click on the 'Jameleon' link" how="text" what="Jameleon"/> <watij-assert-title functionId="Validate that we arrived at the Jameleon SourceForge Page." title=" Jameleon"/> <watij-assert-html-element functionId="Check for the 'engrean' link." how="text" what="engrean"/> <watij-click-link functionId="Click on the 'Project Web Site' link" how="text" what="Web Site"/> </watij-session> </testcase>