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1   /*
2       Jameleon - An automation testing tool..
3       Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Christian W. Hargraves (
5       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6       modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7       License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8       version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13      Lesser General Public License for more details.
15      You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16      License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18  */
19  package;
21  import;
22  import java.sql.*;
23  import java.util.ArrayList;
24  import java.util.HashMap;
25  import java.util.List;
26  import java.util.Map;
29  /***
30   * Am implementation of @{link DataDriver} for SQL.
31   */
32  public class SqlDataDriver implements DataDriver {
33      protected String url;
34      protected String jdbcDriver;
35      protected String username;
36      protected String password;
37      protected String query;
39      protected Connection conn;
40      protected List keys;
41      protected Statement stmt;
42      protected ResultSet rs;
44      /***
45       * Default construtor. After calling this constructor,
46       * The Following will Need to be set.
47       * {@link #setJDBCDriver(java.lang.String)}
48       * {@link #setJDBCUrl(java.lang.String)}
49       */
50      public SqlDataDriver(){
51          keys = new ArrayList();
52      }
54      /***
55       * Sets up all required fields.
56       * @param url - the jdbc url used to connect to the database
57       * @param jdbcDriver - the jdbc driver used to connect to the database
58       * @param username - the username used to connect to the database
59       * @param password - the password used to connect to the database
60       */
61      public SqlDataDriver(String url, String jdbcDriver, String username, String password){
62          this();
63          this.url = url;
64          this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;
65          this.username = username;
66          this.password = password;
67      }
69      /***
70       * Closes the handle to the data source
71       */
72      public void close() {
73          try {
74              if (rs != null ) rs.close();
75              rs = null;
76              if (stmt != null ) stmt.close();
77              stmt = null;
78          } catch (SQLException sqle) {
79              //So what? no resultSet or Statement was ever created.
80          }
81          finally {
82              try {
83                  if ( conn != null ) conn.close();
84                  conn = null;
85              } catch (SQLException sqle) {
86                  //So what? The connection must already be closed
87              }
88          }
89          keys.clear();
90      }
92      /***
93       * Opens the handle to the data source
94       * @throws IOException when the data source can not be found.
95       */
96      public void open() throws IOException {
97          validate();
98          registerJDBCDriver();
99          try{
100             conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
101         }catch (SQLException sqle){
102             throw new IOException("Could not create connection to the database located at '"+url+"'!");
103         }
104     }
106     protected void validate() {
107         if (url == null || url.trim().length() == 0) {
108             throw new NullPointerException("'jdbcUrl' is a required field!");
109         }
110         if (jdbcDriver == null || jdbcDriver.trim().length() == 0) {
111             throw new NullPointerException("'jdbcDriver' is a required field!");
112         }
113         if (username == null || username.trim().length() == 0) {
114             throw new NullPointerException("'jdbcUsername' is a required field!");
115         }
116     }
118     protected void registerJDBCDriver() throws IOException {
119         try{
120             Class.forName(jdbcDriver).newInstance();
121         }catch(Exception cnfe){
122             throw new IOException("could not register database driver. Class '" + jdbcDriver +"' not found");
123         }
124     }
126     protected void readRecord() throws SQLException{
127         if (rs == null) {
128             try {
129                 executeQuery ();
130             } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
131                 throw new SQLException ("Unable to Execute Query - " + sqle );
132             }
134             // set the Keys array if it has not already been set. 
135             if (keys == null || keys.size() == 0) {
136                 setKeys();
137             }
138         }
139     }
142     /***
143      * Executes a query against the database once a valid connection has been established.
144      * @throws SQLException if there is no query defined. 
145      */
146     public void executeQuery () throws SQLException {
147         if ( query == null ) {
148             throw new SQLException ("No Query is defined to be executed.");
149         }
150         try {
151             stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
152             rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
153         } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
154             throw new SQLException ("Failed to execute SQL statement. Possibly due to invalid SQL. -- " + sqle);
155         }
156     }
158     /***
159      * Gets MetaData from the result set and builds an ArrayList of the Column headers
160      */
161     protected void setKeys () {
162         String colName;
163         try {
164             // Build the Keys ArrayList
165             for (int x = 1; x <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); x++) {
166                 colName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(x);
167                 keys.add ( colName );
168             }
169         } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
170             System.out.println("Unable to get ResultSet MetaData - " + sqle );
171         } 
173     }
176     /***
177      * Gets the next row from the data source
178      * @return a key-value HashMap representing the data row or null if
179      * no data row is available  
180      */                                                                    
181     public Map getNextRow() { 
182         Map vars = null;
184         try {
185             readRecord();
186             if ( ) { 
187                 vars = new HashMap();
188                 String key, value;
189                 for (int x = 1; x <= keys.size(); x++ ) {
190                     key = (String)keys.get(x-1);
191                     value = null;
192                     try{
193                         int columnType = rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(x);
195                         if (columnType == Types.TIMESTAMP || 
196                             columnType == Types.DATE) {
197                             Timestamp ts = rs.getTimestamp(x);
198                             if (ts != null) {
199                                 value = ts.toString();
200                             }
201                         }else{
202                             value = rs.getString(x);
203                         }
204                     }catch (SQLException sqle){
205                         System.err.println ( "Unable to get Next Row " + sqle );
206                         sqle.printStackTrace();
207                     }
208                     vars.put( key, value );
209                 }
210             }
211         } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
212             System.err.println ( "Unable to get Next Row " + sqle );
213         }
214         return vars;
215     }
217     /***
218      * Tells whether the data source has another row
219      * @return true if the data source still has more rows
220      */
221     public boolean hasMoreRows() {
222         boolean moreRows = false;
223         try {
224             readRecord();
225             //isAfterLast passes the condition when there are no rows returned.
226             moreRows = !(rs.isAfterLast() || rs.isLast());
227         } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
228             System.err.println("Unable to process hasMoreRows()");
229             sqle.printStackTrace();
230         }
232         return moreRows;
233     }
235     /***
236      * Sets the JDBC Driver.
237      */
238     public void setJDBCDriver (String jdbcDriver) {
239         this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;
240     }
242     /***
243      * Sets the JDBC url.
244      */
245     public void setJDBCUrl (String url){
246         this.url = url;
247     }
249     /***
250      * Sets the JDBC username.
251      */
252     public void setJDBCUsername (String username) {
253         this.username = username;
254     }
256     /***
257      * Sets the JDBC password.
258      */
259     public void setJDBCPassword (String password) {
260         this.password = password;
261     }
263     /***
264      * Sets the SQL Query.
265      */
266     public void setQuery (String query) {
267         this.query = query;
268     }
271 }