Interface Storable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAssertTag, AbstractSqlTag, AssertEqualsTag, AssertNotNullTag, AssertNullTag, AssertTrueTag, ExecuteJameleonScriptTag, FunctionDocTag, FunctionTag, JUnitFunctionTag, JUnitSessionTag, SessionTag, SqlUpdateTag, WaitTag

public interface Storable

Used to represent an object that needs to store it's state. This is intended to store the state that an function point was in at a certain moment.

Method Summary
 String getStoreToFileName(int event)
          Gets the filename to store the state of the application to.
 void store(String filename, int event)
          Stores the current state of the object to a given File.

Method Detail


void store(String filename,
           int event)
           throws IOException
Stores the current state of the object to a given File.

filename - - the name of file to store the state to
event - - The even that occured (error, state change ...)
IOException - - If the state of the object could not be stored in File f.


String getStoreToFileName(int event)
Gets the filename to store the state of the application to. The default implementation is to simply use timestamps. If this is not the desired behavior, override this method.

event - - the StateStorer Event
the appropriate filename which starts with ERROR- if the StateStorer Event was an Error

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