Uses of Interface

Packages that use DocumentDelegate

Uses of DocumentDelegate in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie

Classes in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie that implement DocumentDelegate
 class IEFunctionTag
          This is the base FunctionTag for the Jiffie Plug-in.

Uses of DocumentDelegate in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.tags

Classes in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.tags that implement DocumentDelegate
 class IEClickButtonTag
          Clicks a provided button.
 class IEClickHtmlElementTag
          Clicks a provided html element.
 class IEClickLinkTag
          Clicks on a given link.
 class IECloseWindowTag
          Closes the current browser window.
 class IEExecuteJavaScriptTag
          A Tag that executes a body of javascript in the context of IE.
 class IEFireEventTag
          Fires event methtods in a provided HTML element.
 class IEGetMatchingTextTag
          Gets the matching text against the currently active IE and sets it in the context.
 class IEGoBackTag
          Clicks the browser's back button.
 class IEGoForwardTag
          Clicks the browser's forward button.
 class IEIsTextPresentTag
          Check whether the given text exists on the current page.
 class IENavigateTag
          Navigates directly to the given URL.
 class IESendKeysTag
          Sends the provided keys to the screen.
 class IESetCheckboxTag
          This action point checks any checkbox in a form or not.
 class IESetHiddenFieldTag
          This action point sets the value of any hidden field.
 class IESetPasswordFieldTag
          This action point sets the value of any password field in form or not.
 class IESetRadiobuttonTag
          This action point sets the value of any radio button.
 class IESetSelectFieldTag
          Sets the value(s) of any select field.
 class IESetTextAreaTag
          This action point sets the value of any text area.
 class IESetTextFieldTag
          This action point sets the value of any text field.
 class IESetWindowFocusTag
          Sets focus on an opened IE window with the provided title or index.
 class IESnapShotTag
          Takes a snapshot of the currently displayed page.
 class IEValidateCheckboxTag
          Checks the value of any checkbox field in the form or not.
 class IEValidatePasswordFieldTag
          Verifies the value of any password field.
 class IEValidateRadiobuttonTag
          Verifies that a radio button has been set to a given value.
 class IEValidateSelectFieldTag
          Validates the currently selected value(s) of the provided select field.
 class IEValidateTextAreaTag
          Verifies the value of any text area.
 class IEValidateTextFieldTag
          Verifies the value of any text field.
 class IEValidateTextTag
          Validates text or a regular expression can be found in the current HTML document.
 class IEValidateTitleTag
          Validates the title in several different ways.
 class IEValidateXPathTag
          Validates the given xpath ( see: ) evaluates to true.
 class IEValidationTag
          Validates the title, text and links on the page.

Uses of DocumentDelegate in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.ui

Classes in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.ui that implement DocumentDelegate
 class IEActionPointGenerator

Uses of DocumentDelegate in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.util

Fields in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.util declared as DocumentDelegate
protected  DocumentDelegate IHTMLElementFinder.docDelegate

Constructors in net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jiffie.util with parameters of type DocumentDelegate
IHTMLElementFinder(DocumentDelegate docDelegate)

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