Class JagacyFunctionTag

  extended by org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport
      extended by net.sf.jameleon.LocationAwareTagSupport
          extended by net.sf.jameleon.JameleonTagSupport
              extended by net.sf.jameleon.function.FunctionTag
                  extended by net.sf.jameleon.plugin.jagacy.JagacyFunctionTag
All Implemented Interfaces:
BreakPoint, Attributable, Storable, DynaTag, LocationAware, Tag
Direct Known Subclasses:
JagacyIsTextPresentTag, JagacySendKeyTag, JagacySetFieldTag, JagacySetValueForLabelTag, JagacyValidateTextNotPresentTag, JagacyValidateTextPresentTag, JagacyWaitForChangeTag, JagacyWaitForTextTag

public abstract class JagacyFunctionTag
extends FunctionTag

Field Summary
protected  com.jagacy.Session3270 session
protected  JagacySessionTag sessionTag
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.function.FunctionTag
addt, breakPoint, expectException, expectFailure, fResults, functionDelay, functionId, lastFileWritten, log, NO_DELAY, params, postcondition, precondition, st, state, tct, vpt
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.JameleonTagSupport
attributes, broker, contextVars, fp, unsupportedAttributes
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.LocationAwareTagSupport
columnNumber, elementTagName, lineNumber, scriptFileName
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport
body, context, hasTrimmed, parent, shouldTrim
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void assertTextNotPresent(String text)
          Checks that the provided text doesn't exist in the current screen
 void assertTextNotPresent(String text, int assertLevel)
          Checks that the provided text doesn't exist in the current screen
 void assertTextNotPresent(String msg, String text)
          Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen
 void assertTextNotPresent(String msg, String text, int assertLevel)
          Checks that the provided text doesn't exist in the current screen
 void assertTextPresent(String text)
          Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen
 void assertTextPresent(String text, int assertLevel)
          Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen
 void assertTextPresent(String message, String text)
          Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen
 void assertTextPresent(String message, String text, int assertLevel)
          Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen
 String getScreen()
 void pluginTearDown()
 String readField(int field, int offset)
          Reads the value in the given field.
 String readPosition(int row, int column, int length)
          Reads the value at the current position.
 String[] readScreen()
          Reads the current screen.
 void setupEnvironment()
          Gets the references of the session and the test results from the parent TestCase This method gets called once all attributes are set from the macro language.
 void store(String fName, int event)
 boolean waitForChange(int timeInMillis)
          Waits for timeInMillis for the screen to change state.
 boolean waitForField(int field, int offset, String value, int timeInMillis)
          Waits (in 100 millisecond intervals) for the value to appear at the given field and offset.
 boolean waitForPosition(int row, int column, String value, int timeInMillis)
          Waits (in 100 millisecond intervals) for the value to appear at the given coordinates.
 boolean waitForUnlock(int timeInMillis)
          Waits for timeInMillis for the keyboard to unlock.
 void writeAfterLabel(String label, String value)
          Finds a label and attempts to enter the given text in the field directly after the label
 void writeCursor(int row, int column)
          Writes the cursor at the given coordinates
 void writeField(int field, int offset, String value)
          Writes the given text to the nth field
 void writeKey(com.jagacy.Key key)
          Writes the given Key to the screen.
 void writePosition(int row, int column, String value)
          Writes a string at the given coordinates
 void writeString(String value)
          Writes the given String to the current cursor position
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.function.FunctionTag
addParam, addRequiredAttribute, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertMethod, assertMethodWithLevel, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertNull, assertNull, assertRegexMatches, assertRegexMatches, assertRegexMatches, assertRegexMatches, assertSame, assertSame, assertSame, assertSame, assertTextContains, assertTextContains, assertTextContains, assertTextContains, assertTextEndsWith, assertTextEndsWith, assertTextEndsWith, assertTextEndsWith, assertTextStartsWith, assertTextStartsWith, assertTextStartsWith, assertTextStartsWith, assertTrue, assertTrue, assertTrue, assertTrue, checkParamTypes, cleanUp, cleanUpEnvironment, delay, delay, doTag, fail, fail, fail, fail, getFunctionId, getFunctionResults, getMatchingRegexText, getParam, getParamLength, getParams, getParentTags, getSessionTag, getStoreToFileName, getStringOrDefault, getTestCaseTag, getVariable, getVariableAsBoolean, getVariableAsList, getVariableAsString, isBreakPoint, isContextVariableNull, recordFunctionResult, regexMatches, removeFunctionResult, removeVariable, setDefaultVariableValue, setDefaultVariableValue, setExpectException, setExpectFailure, setFunctionDelay, setFunctionId, setup, setUpFunctionResults, setVariable, tearDown, testBlock, traceMsg, validate
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.JameleonTagSupport
cleanVariablesInContext, createAttributes, describeAttributes, getAttributeBroker, getAttributes, getAttributeType, getClassAttributes, getFunctionalPoint, getUnsupportedAttributes, loadFunctionalPoint, resetFunctionalPoint, setAttribute, setVariableInContext, testForUnsupportedAttributesCaught
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.LocationAwareTagSupport
getColumnNumber, getElementName, getFileName, getLineNumber, setColumnNumber, setElementName, setFileName, setLineNumber
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport
findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, getBody, getBodyText, getBodyText, getContext, getParent, invokeBody, isEscapeText, isTrim, setBody, setContext, setEscapeText, setParent, setTrim, trimBody
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.jelly.Tag
getBody, getContext, getParent, invokeBody, setBody, setContext, setParent

Field Detail


protected JagacySessionTag sessionTag


protected com.jagacy.Session3270 session
Constructor Detail


public JagacyFunctionTag()
Method Detail


public void setupEnvironment()
Gets the references of the session and the test results from the parent TestCase This method gets called once all attributes are set from the macro language. Any required setup should go here.

setupEnvironment in class FunctionTag


public void pluginTearDown()
pluginTearDown in class FunctionTag


public void store(String fName,
                  int event)
           throws IOException
Specified by:
store in interface Storable
store in class FunctionTag


public String getScreen()


public String readField(int field,
                        int offset)
Reads the value in the given field.

field - - The field number, indexed from 1
offset - - Offset in the field, indexed from 1
The value of the given field.


public String readPosition(int row,
                           int column,
                           int length)
Reads the value at the current position.

row - - The row number, indexed from 0
column - - The column number, indexed from 0
length - - The length of string to read
The value of the given position.


public String[] readScreen()
Reads the current screen.

An array of lines on the screen.


public boolean waitForChange(int timeInMillis)
Waits for timeInMillis for the screen to change state.

timeInMillis - - the time in milliseconds to wait until the screen changes.
true if the screen changed


public boolean waitForField(int field,
                            int offset,
                            String value,
                            int timeInMillis)
Waits (in 100 millisecond intervals) for the value to appear at the given field and offset.

field - - The field number, indexed from 1
offset - - Offset in the field, indexed from 1
value - - The expected value of the field
timeInMillis - - the time in milliseconds to wait until the screen changes.
true if the field is displayed


public boolean waitForPosition(int row,
                               int column,
                               String value,
                               int timeInMillis)
Waits (in 100 millisecond intervals) for the value to appear at the given coordinates.

row - - The row number, indexed from 0
column - - The column number, indexed from 0
value - - The expected value at this position
timeInMillis - - the time in milliseconds to wait until the screen changes.
true if the position is displayed


public boolean waitForUnlock(int timeInMillis)
Waits for timeInMillis for the keyboard to unlock.

timeInMillis - - the time in milliseconds to wait until the screen changes.
true if the keyboard unlocked


public void writeAfterLabel(String label,
                            String value)
Finds a label and attempts to enter the given text in the field directly after the label

label - - the text to the left of the field
value - - the value to set the field to.


public void writeCursor(int row,
                        int column)
Writes the cursor at the given coordinates

row - - the row the set the cursor on. Indexed from 0.
column - - the column to set the cursor on. Indexed from 0.


public void writeField(int field,
                       int offset,
                       String value)
Writes the given text to the nth field

field - - The field number, indexed from 1
offset - - Offset in the field, indexed from 1
value - - The value to set the field to


public void writeKey(com.jagacy.Key key)
Writes the given Key to the screen.

key - - the key to write to the screen


public void writePosition(int row,
                          int column,
                          String value)
Writes a string at the given coordinates

row - - the row the field exists at. Indexed from 0.
column - - the column the field exists at. Indexed from 0.
value - - the value to set the field to.


public void writeString(String value)
Writes the given String to the current cursor position

value - - the value to write to the current cursor position.


public void assertTextPresent(String text)
Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen

text - - the text that should be contained in the current screen


public void assertTextPresent(String text,
                              int assertLevel)
Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen

text - - the text that should be contained in the current screen
assertLevel - - only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel


public void assertTextPresent(String message,
                              String text)
Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen

message - - the message to provide if an error occurs
text - - the text that should be contained in the current screen


public void assertTextPresent(String message,
                              String text,
                              int assertLevel)
Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen

message - - the message to provide if an error occurs
text - - the text that should be contained in the current screen
assertLevel - - only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel


public void assertTextNotPresent(String text)
Checks that the provided text doesn't exist in the current screen

text - - the text that should not be contained in the current screen


public void assertTextNotPresent(String text,
                                 int assertLevel)
Checks that the provided text doesn't exist in the current screen

text - - the text that should not be contained in the current screen
assertLevel - - only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel


public void assertTextNotPresent(String msg,
                                 String text)
Checks that the provided text exists in the current screen

msg - - the message to provide if an error occurs
text - - the text that should not be contained in the current screen


public void assertTextNotPresent(String msg,
                                 String text,
                                 int assertLevel)
Checks that the provided text doesn't exist in the current screen

msg - - the message to provide if an error occurs
text - - the text that should not be contained in the current screen
assertLevel - - only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel

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