public abstract class HttpFunctionTag
An implementation of the JWebUnit plugin for a FunctionTag. All methods in the WebTester
class provided
by the JWebUnit API is wrapped for easy coding and statical reporting.
For function points that will always be used to start the test case, the begin() method should be called first.
Field Summary | |
protected com.meterware.httpunit.WebClientListener |
A Client Listener used for logging. |
protected long |
The start time of a request |
protected net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester |
The session that is to be shared among all TestSteps encapsulated within a TestCase |
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.function.FunctionTag |
addt, breakPoint, expectException, expectFailure, fResults, functionDelay, functionId, lastFileWritten, log, NO_DELAY, params, postcondition, precondition, st, state, tct, vpt |
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.JameleonTagSupport |
attributes, broker, contextVars, fp, unsupportedAttributes |
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.LocationAwareTagSupport |
columnNumber, elementTagName, lineNumber, scriptFileName |
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport |
body, context, hasTrimmed, parent, shouldTrim |
Constructor Summary | |
Default constructor -- Does nothing |
Method Summary | |
void |
assertButtonNotPresent(String buttonId)
Assert that a button with a given id is not present. |
void |
assertButtonNotPresent(String buttonId,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a button with a given id is not present. |
void |
assertButtonPresent(String buttonId)
Assert that a button with a given id is present. |
void |
assertButtonPresent(String buttonId,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a button with a given id is present. |
void |
assertCheckboxNotSelected(String checkBoxName)
Assert that a specific checkbox is not selected. |
void |
assertCheckboxNotSelected(String checkBoxName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific checkbox is not selected. |
void |
assertCheckboxSelected(String checkBoxName)
Assert that a specific checkbox is selected. |
void |
assertCheckboxSelected(String checkBoxName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific checkbox is selected. |
void |
assertElementNotPresent(String anID)
Assert that an element with a given id is not present. |
void |
assertElementNotPresent(String anID,
int assertLevel)
Assert that an element with a given id is not present. |
void |
assertElementPresent(String anID)
Assert that an element with a given id is present. |
void |
assertElementPresent(String anID,
int assertLevel)
Assert that an element with a given id is present. |
void |
assertFormElementEmpty(String formElementName)
Assert that a form element had no value / is empty. |
void |
assertFormElementEmpty(String formElementName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a form element had no value / is empty. |
void |
assertFormElementEquals(String formElementName,
String expectedValue)
Assert that a specific form element has an expected value. |
void |
assertFormElementEquals(String formElementName,
String expectedValue,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific form element has an expected value. |
void |
assertFormElementNotPresent(String formElementName)
Assert that a form input element with a given name is not present. |
void |
assertFormElementNotPresent(String formElementName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a form input element with a given name is not present. |
void |
assertFormElementNotPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel)
Assert that a form input element with a given label is not present. |
void |
assertFormElementNotPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a form input element with a given label is not present. |
void |
assertFormElementPresent(String formElementName)
Assert that a form input element with a given name is present. |
void |
assertFormElementPresent(String formElementName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a form input element with a given name is present. |
void |
assertFormElementPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel)
Assert that a form input element with a given label is present. |
void |
assertFormElementPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a form input element with a given label is present. |
void |
Assert that there is a form present. |
void |
assertFormPresent(int assertLevel)
Assert that there is a form present. |
void |
assertFormPresent(String nameOrID)
Assert that there is a form with the specified name or id present. |
void |
assertFormPresent(String nameOrID,
int assertLevel)
Assert that there is a form with the specified name or id present. |
void |
assertFramePresent(String frameName)
Assert that a frame with the given name is present. |
void |
assertFramePresent(String frameName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a frame with the given name is present. |
void |
assertKeyInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String key)
Assert that the value of a given web resource is present in a specific table. |
void |
assertKeyInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String key,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the value of a given web resource is present in a specific table. |
void |
assertKeyNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String key)
Assert that the value of a given web resource is not present in a specific table. |
void |
assertKeyNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String key,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the value of a given web resource is not present in a specific table. |
void |
assertKeyNotPresent(String key)
Assert that a web resource's value is not present. |
void |
assertKeyNotPresent(String key,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a web resource's value is not present. |
void |
assertKeyPresent(String key)
Assert that a web resource's value is present. |
void |
assertKeyPresent(String key,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a web resource's value is present. |
void |
assertKeysInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[] keys)
Assert that the values of a set of web resources are all present in a specific table. |
void |
assertKeysInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[] keys,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the values of a set of web resources are all present in a specific table. |
void |
assertLinkNotPresent(String linkId)
Assert that no link with the given id is present in the response. |
void |
assertLinkNotPresent(String linkId,
int assertLevel)
Assert that no link with the given id is present in the response. |
void |
assertLinkNotPresentWithImage(String imageFileName)
Assert that a link containing a specified image is not present. |
void |
assertLinkNotPresentWithImage(String imageFileName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a link containing a specified image is not present. |
void |
assertLinkNotPresentWithText(String linkText)
Assert that no link containing the supplied text is present. |
void |
assertLinkNotPresentWithText(String linkText,
int assertLevel)
Assert that no link containing the supplied text is present. |
void |
assertLinkPresent(String linkId)
Assert that a link with a given id is present in the response. |
void |
assertLinkPresent(String linkId,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a link with a given id is present in the response. |
void |
assertLinkPresentWithImage(String imageFileName)
Assert that a link containing a specified image is present. |
void |
assertLinkPresentWithImage(String imageFileName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a link containing a specified image is present. |
void |
assertLinkPresentWithText(String linkText)
Assert that a link containing the supplied text is present. |
void |
assertLinkPresentWithText(String linkText,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a link containing the supplied text is present. |
void |
assertOptionEquals(String selectName,
String option)
Assert that the currently selected display value of a select box matches a given value. |
void |
assertOptionEquals(String selectName,
String option,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the currently selected display value of a select box matches a given value. |
void |
assertOptionsEqual(String selectName,
String[] expectedOptions)
Assert that the display values of a select element's options match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionsEqual(String selectName,
String[] expectedOptions,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the display values of a select element's options match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionsNotEqual(String selectName,
String[] expectedOptions)
Assert that the display values of a select element's options do not match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionsNotEqual(String selectName,
String[] expectedOptions,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the display values of a select element's options do not match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionValuesEqual(String selectName,
String[] expectedValues)
Assert that the values of a select element's options match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionValuesEqual(String selectName,
String[] expectedValues,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the values of a select element's options match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionValuesNotEqual(String selectName,
String[] optionValues)
Assert that the values of a select element's options do not match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertOptionValuesNotEqual(String selectName,
String[] optionValues,
int assertLevel)
Assert that the values of a select element's options do not match a given array of strings. |
void |
assertRadioOptionNotPresent(String name,
String radioOption)
Assert that a specific option is not present in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionNotPresent(String name,
String radioOption,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific option is not present in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionNotSelected(String name,
String radioOption)
Assert that a specific option is not selected in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionNotSelected(String name,
String radioOption,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific option is not selected in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionPresent(String name,
String radioOption)
Assert that a specific option is present in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionPresent(String name,
String radioOption,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific option is present in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionSelected(String name,
String radioOption)
Assert that a specific option is selected in a radio group. |
void |
assertRadioOptionSelected(String name,
String radioOption,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific option is selected in a radio group. |
void |
assertSubmitButtonNotPresent(String buttonName)
Assert that a submit button with a given name is not present. |
void |
assertSubmitButtonNotPresent(String buttonName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a submit button with a given name is not present. |
void |
assertSubmitButtonPresent(String buttonName)
Assert that a submit button with a given name is present. |
void |
assertSubmitButtonPresent(String buttonName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a submit button with a given name is present. |
void |
assertSubmitButtonValue(String buttonName,
String expectedValue)
Assert that a submit button with a given name and value is present. |
void |
assertSubmitButtonValue(String buttonName,
String expectedValue,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a submit button with a given name and value is present. |
void |
assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable)
Assert that a specific table matches an ExpectedTable. |
void |
assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific table matches an ExpectedTable. |
void |
assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[][] expectedCellValues)
Assert that a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
void |
assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[][] expectedCellValues,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
void |
assertTableNotPresent(String tableSummaryOrId)
Assert that a table with a given summary or id value is not present. |
void |
assertTableNotPresent(String tableSummaryOrId,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a table with a given summary or id value is not present. |
void |
assertTablePresent(String tableSummaryOrId)
Assert that a table with a given summary or id value is present. |
void |
assertTablePresent(String tableSummaryOrId,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a table with a given summary or id value is present. |
void |
assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId,
int startRow,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable)
Assert that a range of rows for a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
void |
assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId,
int startRow,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a range of rows for a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
void |
assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId,
int startRow,
String[][] expectedCellValues)
Assert that a range of rows for a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
void |
assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId,
int startRow,
String[][] expectedCellValues,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a range of rows for a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
void |
assertTextInElement(String elementID,
String text)
Assert that a given element contains specific text. |
void |
assertTextInElement(String elementID,
String text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a given element contains specific text. |
void |
assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String text)
Assert that supplied text is present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[] text)
Assert that a set of text values are all present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[] text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a set of text values are all present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that supplied text is present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String text)
Assert that supplied text is not present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[] text)
Assert that none of a set of text values are present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String[] text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that none of a set of text values are present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that supplied text is not present in a specific table. |
void |
assertTextNotPresent(String text)
Assert that supplied text is not present. |
void |
assertTextNotPresent(String text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that supplied text is not present. |
void |
assertTextPresent(String text)
Assert that supplied text is present. |
void |
assertTextPresent(String text,
int assertLevel)
Assert that supplied text is present. |
void |
assertTitleEquals(String title)
Assert title of current html page in conversation matches an expected value. |
void |
assertTitleEquals(String title,
int assertLevel)
Assert title of current html page in conversation matches an expected value. |
void |
assertTitleEqualsKey(String titleKey)
Assert title of current html page matches the value of a specified web resource. |
void |
assertTitleEqualsKey(String titleKey,
int assertLevel)
Assert title of current html page matches the value of a specified web resource. |
void |
assertWindowPresent(String windowName)
Assert that a window with the given name is open. |
void |
assertWindowPresent(String windowName,
int assertLevel)
Assert that a window with the given name is open. |
void |
Begin conversation at a url relative to the application root. |
void |
beginAt(String relativeURL)
Begin conversation at a url relative to the application root. |
void |
checkCheckbox(String checkBoxName)
Select a specified checkbox. |
void |
clickButton(String buttonId)
Click the button with the given id. |
void |
clickLink(String linkId)
Navigate by selection of a link with given id. |
void |
clickLinkWithImage(String imageFileName)
Navigate by selection of a link with a given image. |
void |
clickLinkWithText(String linkText)
Navigate by selection of a link containing given text. |
void |
dumpResponse(PrintStream stream)
Dump html of current response to a specified stream - for debugging purposes. |
void |
dumpTable(String tableNameOrId,
PrintStream stream)
Dump the table as the 2D array that is used for assertions - for debugging purposes. |
void |
dumpTable(String tableNameOrId,
String[][] table)
Dump the table as the 2D array that is used for assertions - for debugging purposes. |
void |
dumpTable(String tableNameOrId,
String[][] table,
PrintStream stream)
Dump the table as the 2D array that is used for assertions - for debugging purposes. |
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.HttpUnitDialog |
Provides access to the httpunit wrapper for subclasses - in case functionality not yet wrappered required by test. |
String |
getMessage(String key)
Return the value of a web resource based on its key. |
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.TestContext |
Provide access to test context. |
void |
gotoFrame(String frameName)
Make the named frame active (current response will be frame's contents). |
void |
Make the root window active. |
void |
gotoWindow(String windowName)
Make a given window active (current response will be window's contents). |
void |
Called when the function is done being executed. |
protected void |
recordHttpResultBlock(Runnable r)
Runs the run method of a Runnable and records the time taken to execute the code block |
void |
Reset the current form. |
void |
selectOption(String selectName,
String option)
Select an option with a given display value in a select element. |
void |
Sets the baseUrl to it's property setting based on the application name, and environment. |
void |
setFormElement(String formElementName,
String value)
Set the value of a form input element. |
void |
Gets the references of the session and the test results from the parent TestCase This method gets called once all attributes are set from the macro language. |
void |
setWorkingForm(String nameOrId)
Begin interaction with a specified form. |
void |
store(String fName,
int event)
void |
Submit form - default submit button will be used (unnamed submit button, or named button if there is only one on the form. |
void |
submit(String buttonName)
Submit form by pressing named button. |
void |
uncheckCheckbox(String checkBoxName)
Deselect a specified checkbox. |
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.JameleonTagSupport |
cleanVariablesInContext, createAttributes, describeAttributes, getAttributeBroker, getAttributes, getAttributeType, getClassAttributes, getFunctionalPoint, getUnsupportedAttributes, loadFunctionalPoint, resetFunctionalPoint, setAttribute, setVariableInContext, testForUnsupportedAttributesCaught |
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jameleon.LocationAwareTagSupport |
getColumnNumber, getElementName, getFileName, getLineNumber, setColumnNumber, setElementName, setFileName, setLineNumber |
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport |
findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, findAncestorWithClass, getBody, getBodyText, getBodyText, getContext, getParent, invokeBody, isEscapeText, isTrim, setBody, setContext, setEscapeText, setParent, setTrim, trimBody |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.jelly.Tag |
getBody, getContext, getParent, invokeBody, setBody, setContext, setParent |
Field Detail |
protected net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester session
protected long requestTime
protected com.meterware.httpunit.WebClientListener listener
Constructor Detail |
public HttpFunctionTag()
Method Detail |
public void setupEnvironment()
in class FunctionTag
public void pluginTearDown()
in class FunctionTag
public net.sourceforge.jwebunit.HttpUnitDialog getDialog()
public net.sourceforge.jwebunit.TestContext getTestContext()
public void setBaseUrl()
public void begin()
public void beginAt(String relativeURL)
- protected void recordHttpResultBlock(Runnable r)
- - The block of code you want executed ( defined in the run() method ).public String getMessage(String key)
- name of the web resource.
public void store(String fName, int event) throws IOException
in interface Storable
in class FunctionTag
public void assertTitleEquals(String title)
- expected title valuepublic void assertTitleEquals(String title, int assertLevel)
- expected title valueassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTitleEqualsKey(String titleKey)
- web resource key for titlepublic void assertTitleEqualsKey(String titleKey, int assertLevel)
- web resource key for titleassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertKeyPresent(String key)
- web resource namepublic void assertKeyPresent(String key, int assertLevel)
- web resource nameassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextPresent(String text)
- public void assertTextPresent(String text, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertKeyNotPresent(String key)
- web resource namepublic void assertKeyNotPresent(String key, int assertLevel)
- web resource nameassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextNotPresent(String text)
- public void assertTextNotPresent(String text, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTablePresent(String tableSummaryOrId)
- summary or id attribute value of tablepublic void assertTablePresent(String tableSummaryOrId, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tableassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTableNotPresent(String tableSummaryOrId)
- summary or id attribute value of tablepublic void assertTableNotPresent(String tableSummaryOrId, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tableassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertKeyInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String key)
- summary or id attribute value of tablekey
- web resource namepublic void assertKeyInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String key, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tablekey
- web resource nameassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- public void assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertKeysInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] keys)
- summary or id attribute value of tablekeys
- Array of web resource names.public void assertKeysInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] keys, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tablekeys
- Array of web resource names.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] text)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- Array of expected text values.public void assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] text, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- Array of expected text values.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertKeyNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String key)
- summary or id attribute value of tablekey
- web resource namepublic void assertKeyNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String key, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tablekey
- web resource nameassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- public void assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] text)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- Array of text valuespublic void assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] text, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tabletext
- Array of text valuesassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable)
- summary or id attribute value of tableexpectedTable
- represents expected values (colspan supported).public void assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tableexpectedTable
- represents expected values (colspan supported).assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId, String[][] expectedCellValues)
- summary or id attribute value of tableexpectedCellValues
- double dimensional array of expected valuespublic void assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId, String[][] expectedCellValues, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tableexpectedCellValues
- double dimensional array of expected valuesassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId, int startRow, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable)
- summary or id attribute value of tablestartRow
- index of start row for comparisonexpectedTable
- represents expected values (colspan supported).public void assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId, int startRow, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.ExpectedTable expectedTable, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tablestartRow
- index of start row for comparisonexpectedTable
- represents expected values (colspan supported).assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId, int startRow, String[][] expectedCellValues)
- summary or id attribute value of tablestartRow
- index of start row for comparisonexpectedCellValues
- double dimensional array of expected valuespublic void assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId, int startRow, String[][] expectedCellValues, int assertLevel)
- summary or id attribute value of tablestartRow
- index of start row for comparisonexpectedCellValues
- double dimensional array of expected valuesassertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormElementPresent(String formElementName)
- public void assertFormElementPresent(String formElementName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormElementNotPresent(String formElementName)
- public void assertFormElementNotPresent(String formElementName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormElementPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel)
- label preceding form element.public void assertFormElementPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel, int assertLevel)
- label preceding form element.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormElementNotPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel)
- label preceding form element.public void assertFormElementNotPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel, int assertLevel)
- label preceding form element.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormPresent()
public void assertFormPresent(int assertLevel)
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormPresent(String nameOrID)
- public void assertFormPresent(String nameOrID, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormElementEquals(String formElementName, String expectedValue)
- expectedValue
- public void assertFormElementEquals(String formElementName, String expectedValue, int assertLevel)
- expectedValue
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFormElementEmpty(String formElementName)
- public void assertFormElementEmpty(String formElementName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertCheckboxSelected(String checkBoxName)
- public void assertCheckboxSelected(String checkBoxName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertCheckboxNotSelected(String checkBoxName)
- public void assertCheckboxNotSelected(String checkBoxName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertRadioOptionPresent(String name, String radioOption)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for.public void assertRadioOptionPresent(String name, String radioOption, int assertLevel)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertRadioOptionNotPresent(String name, String radioOption)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for.public void assertRadioOptionNotPresent(String name, String radioOption, int assertLevel)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertRadioOptionSelected(String name, String radioOption)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for selection.public void assertRadioOptionSelected(String name, String radioOption, int assertLevel)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for selection.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertRadioOptionNotSelected(String name, String radioOption)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for selection.public void assertRadioOptionNotSelected(String name, String radioOption, int assertLevel)
- radio group name.radioOption
- option to test for selection.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertOptionsEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedOptions)
- name of the select element.expectedOptions
- expected display values for the select box.public void assertOptionsEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedOptions, int assertLevel)
- name of the select element.expectedOptions
- expected display values for the select box.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertOptionsNotEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedOptions)
- name of the select element.expectedOptions
- expected display values for the select box.public void assertOptionsNotEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedOptions, int assertLevel)
- name of the select element.expectedOptions
- expected display values for the select box.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertOptionValuesEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedValues)
- name of the select element.expectedValues
- expected values for the select box.public void assertOptionValuesEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedValues, int assertLevel)
- name of the select element.expectedValues
- expected values for the select box.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertOptionValuesNotEqual(String selectName, String[] optionValues)
- name of the select element.optionValues
- expected values for the select box.public void assertOptionValuesNotEqual(String selectName, String[] optionValues, int assertLevel)
- name of the select element.optionValues
- expected values for the select box.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertOptionEquals(String selectName, String option)
- name of the select element.option
- expected display value of the selected option.public void assertOptionEquals(String selectName, String option, int assertLevel)
- name of the select element.option
- expected display value of the selected option.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertSubmitButtonPresent(String buttonName)
- public void assertSubmitButtonPresent(String buttonName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertSubmitButtonNotPresent(String buttonName)
- public void assertSubmitButtonNotPresent(String buttonName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertSubmitButtonValue(String buttonName, String expectedValue)
- expectedValue
- public void assertSubmitButtonValue(String buttonName, String expectedValue, int assertLevel)
- expectedValue
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertButtonPresent(String buttonId)
- public void assertButtonPresent(String buttonId, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertButtonNotPresent(String buttonId)
- public void assertButtonNotPresent(String buttonId, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertLinkPresent(String linkId)
- public void assertLinkPresent(String linkId, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertLinkNotPresent(String linkId)
- public void assertLinkNotPresent(String linkId, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertLinkPresentWithText(String linkText)
- public void assertLinkPresentWithText(String linkText, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertLinkNotPresentWithText(String linkText)
- public void assertLinkNotPresentWithText(String linkText, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertLinkPresentWithImage(String imageFileName)
- A suffix of the image's filename; for example, to match
"images/my_icon.png", you could just pass in
"my_icon.png".public void assertLinkPresentWithImage(String imageFileName, int assertLevel)
- A suffix of the image's filename; for example, to match
"images/my_icon.png", you could just pass in
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertLinkNotPresentWithImage(String imageFileName)
- A suffix of the image's filename; for example, to match
"images/my_icon.png", you could just pass in
"my_icon.png".public void assertLinkNotPresentWithImage(String imageFileName, int assertLevel)
- A suffix of the image's filename; for example, to match
"images/my_icon.png", you could just pass in
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertElementPresent(String anID)
- element id to test for.public void assertElementPresent(String anID, int assertLevel)
- element id to test for.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertElementNotPresent(String anID)
- element id to test for.public void assertElementNotPresent(String anID, int assertLevel)
- element id to test for.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertTextInElement(String elementID, String text)
- id of element to be inspected.text
- to check for.public void assertTextInElement(String elementID, String text, int assertLevel)
- id of element to be inspected.text
- to check for.assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertWindowPresent(String windowName)
- public void assertWindowPresent(String windowName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void assertFramePresent(String frameName)
- public void assertFramePresent(String frameName, int assertLevel)
- assertLevel
- - Only run this test under the assertLevel as described in AssertLevel
public void setWorkingForm(String nameOrId)
- name or id of the form to work with.public void setFormElement(String formElementName, String value)
- name of form element.value
- public void checkCheckbox(String checkBoxName)
- name of checkbox to be deselected.public void uncheckCheckbox(String checkBoxName)
- name of checkbox to be deselected.public void selectOption(String selectName, String option)
- name of select element.option
- display value of option to be selected.public void submit()
public void submit(String buttonName)
- name of button to submit form with.public void reset()
public void clickLinkWithText(String linkText)
- public void clickButton(String buttonId)
- public void clickLinkWithImage(String imageFileName)
- A suffix of the image's filename; for example, to match
"images/my_icon.png", you could just pass in
"my_icon.png".public void clickLink(String linkId)
- id of linkpublic void gotoWindow(String windowName)
- public void gotoRootWindow()
public void gotoFrame(String frameName)
- public void dumpResponse(PrintStream stream)
- public void dumpTable(String tableNameOrId, PrintStream stream)
- stream
- public void dumpTable(String tableNameOrId, String[][] table)
- table
- public void dumpTable(String tableNameOrId, String[][] table, PrintStream stream)
- table
- stream