Release History

0.2 2008-01-27
0.1 2006-12-13

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Release 0.2 - 2008-01-27

update Upgrade to Selenium-RC 0.9.2 Fixes 1829760. engrean
add Add timeoutSeconds support for selenium session tag Fixes 1632945. engrean
add [selenium-plugin ] add support for waitForCondition Fixes 1882600. kmantis
add [selenium-plugin ] add support for waitForValue Fixes 1882595. kmantis
fix selenium-assert-field-value-equals throws unjust exception Fixes 1685796. engrean
fix Selenium Plugin Example Failing under Windows 2000 Fixes 1645555. engrean

Release 0.1 - 2006-12-13

add A special thanks to Jeff Tulley who helped out a lot with this plug-in. jtulley