This is a list of available tags for Selenium Plug-in. This list of tags is also available in the Jameleon GUI. You can get there by selecting the "Functional Points" tab on the lower-left. All tags, including custom tags and other enabled plug-ins' tags, show up in the GUI.
Tag | Short Description |
<selenium-add-selection/> | Selects an option in a select field. |
<selenium-answer-on-next-prompt/> | Answers the next prompt. |
<selenium-assert-editable/> | Validates something is editable(not disabled). |
<selenium-assert-element-present/> | Validates an element exists on the current page. |
<selenium-assert-field-value-equals/> | Validates a form field's value. |
<selenium-assert-something-selected/> | Validates something is selected in a drop-down("select") field. |
<selenium-assert-text-present/> | Validates text on the current page. |
<selenium-assert-title-equals/> | Validates the Title. |
<selenium-assert-visible/> | Validates an element is visible. |
<selenium-check/> | Checks a radio button or checkbox. |
<selenium-choose-cancel-on-next-confirmation/> | Clicks the "cancel" button on the next instance of window. |
<selenium-click/> | Clicks on an HTML element. |
<selenium-click-at/> | Clicks on an HTML element. |
<selenium-close/> | Simulates the user clicking the "close" button in the titlebar of a popup. |
<selenium-create-cookie/> | Creates a cookie. |
<selenium-delete-cookie/> | Deletes a cookie with the specified name and (optionally) path. |
<selenium-fire-event/> | Fires off JavaScript events on a given HTML Element. |
<selenium-get-alert/> | Gets the text of the current alert box and stores it in the defined context variable. |
<selenium-get-all-buttons/> | Gets all of the page's buttons(type="text" only, currently). |
<selenium-get-all-fields/> | Gets all of the page's input fields (type="text" only, currently). |
<selenium-get-all-links/> | Gets all of the page's links. |
<selenium-get-all-window-ids/> | Gets the ids of all visible windows. |
<selenium-get-all-window-names/> | Gets the names of all visible windows. |
<selenium-get-all-window-titles/> | Gets the titles of all visible windows. |
<selenium-get-attribute/> | Gets the value of the specified attribute on an element. |
<selenium-get-attribute-from-all-windows/> | Gets a specific attribute from all windows. |
<selenium-get-confirmation/> | Gets string typed into the last confirmation dialog. |
<selenium-get-cookie/> | Gets all the cookies for the current page. |
<selenium-get-element-height/> | Gets height, in pixels, of an item. |
<selenium-get-element-position-left/> | Gets the left position, in pixels, of an item. |
<selenium-get-element-position-top/> | Gets top position, in pixels, of an item. |
<selenium-get-element-width/> | Gets width, in pixels, of an item. |
<selenium-get-eval/> | Gets the result of evaluating the specified JavaScript snippet. |
<selenium-get-location/> | Gets the URL location of the current browser. |
<selenium-get-select-options/> | Gets the option labels of a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-id/> | Gets the id of the selected item in a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-ids/> | Gets the selected ids of a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-index/> | Gets the index of the selected item in a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-indexes/> | Gets the selected indexes of a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-label/> | Gets the label of the selected item in a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-labels/> | Gets the selected labels of a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-value/> | Gets the value of the selected item in a select field. |
<selenium-get-selected-values/> | Gets the values of the selected items of a select field. |
<selenium-get-text/> | Gets the inner text of any HTML element. |
<selenium-get-title/> | Gets the title of the current page. |
<selenium-get-value/> | Gets the value of a form field. |
<selenium-go-back/> | Simulates the browser "back" button. |
<selenium-key-down/> | Simulates a user pressing a key (without releasing it yet). |
<selenium-key-press/> | Simulates a user pressing a key and releasing it. |
<selenium-key-up/> | Simulates a user releasing a key. |
<selenium-mouse-down/> | Simulates a user pressing the mouse button (without releasing it yet) on the specified element. |
<selenium-mouse-down-at/> | Simulates a user pressing the mouse button (without releasing it yet) on the specified element at a specific coordinate. |
<selenium-mouse-move/> | Simulates a user moving the mouse over of the specified element. |
<selenium-mouse-move-at/> | Simulates a user moving the mouse over the specified element at a specific coordinate. |
<selenium-mouse-out/> | Simulates a user moving the mouse out of the specified element. |
<selenium-mouse-over/> | Simulates a user hovering a mouse over the specified element. |
<selenium-mouse-up/> | Simulates a user releasing the mouse button on the specified element. |
<selenium-mouse-up-at/> | Simulates a user releasing the mouse button on the specified element at a specific coordinate. |
<selenium-open/> | Navigates the browser to the desired url. |
<selenium-refresh/> | Simulates the browser "refresh" button. |
<selenium-remove-selection/> | Unselects an option in a select field. |
<selenium-select/> | Selects an option in a select field. |
<selenium-select-window/> | Selects a window. |
<selenium-session/> | A Session tag for the Selenium plug-in. |
<selenium-submit/> | Submits a form. |
<selenium-type/> | Type text into form fields. |
<selenium-uncheck/> | Unchecks a radio button or checkbox. |
<selenium-wait-for-condition/> | Tries to validate a javascript condition during a certain amount of time. |
<selenium-wait-for-value/> | Continually tries to validate the text contents of a HTML element during a certain amount of time. |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
selectLocator |
The locator used to find the select field which value is to be set. | true | java.lang.String | ||
optionLocator |
The locator used to find the option to select in the select field. NOTE: This locator format is different from the selectLocator. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. Some possible Option Locator types are label, value, id and index | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
answer |
The response to give the next prompt | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
expected |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | boolean | ||
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
value |
The expected value of the field | false | java.lang.String | ||
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
expected |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | boolean | ||
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
pattern |
The pattern to match. An example would be regexp=[Y[a-z] Wo[rld]{3} Please see the Selenium docs for more information on the pattern syntax. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
title |
The expected title of the page | true | java.lang.String | ||
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
expected |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | boolean | ||
msg |
The error message to output if the validation fails. | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
waitForPageToLoad |
The max number of milliseconds to wait for the page to load | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
coordinates |
The coordinates at which to execute the click action (relative to the specified field. In the form of (x,y) -- 8,10 for instance. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
waitForPageToLoad |
The max number of milliseconds to wait for the page to load | false | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
nameValuePair |
Name value pair in the form "name=value" | true | java.lang.String | ||
optionsString |
Options string. Currently path and max_age are supported by Selenium | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
name |
Name of the cookie to delete | true | java.lang.String | ||
path |
Path of the cookie to delete | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
eventName |
The name of the event to fire. For example, onblur's event name would be blur | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
attribute |
The attribute to get from all windows. Examples include title, id, name | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
script |
The script to evaluate | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
contextVariable |
The context variable to put the alert text in. If this is not defined then the value will not be stored. | false | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Simulates the browser "back" button.
functionId="Hit the browser back button" />
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
keycode |
The numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key. | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
keycode |
The numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key. | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
keycode |
The numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key. | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
coordinates |
The coordinates at which to execute the mouse action (relative to the specified field. In the form of (x,y) -- 8,10 for instance. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
coordinates |
The coordinates at which to execute the mouse action (relative to the specified field. In the form of (x,y) -- 8,10 for instance. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
coordinates |
The coordinates at which to execute the mouse action (relative to the specified field. In the form of (x,y) -- 8,10 for instance. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
url |
The URL to open in the browser. The URL can be either absolute or relative. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
selectLocator |
The locator used to find the select field which value is to be set. | true | java.lang.String | ||
optionLocator |
The locator used to find the option to select in the select field. NOTE: This locator format is different from the selectLocator. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. Some possible Option Locator types are label, value, id and index | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
selectLocator |
The locator used to find the select field which value is to be set. | true | java.lang.String | ||
optionLocator |
The locator used to find the option to select in the select field. NOTE: This locator format is different from the selectLocator. See the Selenium javadocs for more information. Some possible Option Locator types are label, value, id and index | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
windowName |
Name of the window to select | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
baseUrl | baseUrl |
| false | java.lang.String | |
beginAt | beginAt |
| false | java.lang.String | |
browser | seleniumBrowser |
| *firefox | false | java.lang.String |
multiWindowMode | seleniumMultiWindowMode |
| false | false | boolean |
stopProxyServerOnSessionClose | seleniumStopProxyServerOnSessionClose |
| false | false | boolean |
startSeleniumProxy | startSeleniumProxy |
| false | false | boolean |
seleniumProxyHost | seleniumProxyHost |
| localhost | false | java.lang.String |
seleniumProxyPort | seleniumProxyPort |
| 4444 | false | int |
timeoutSeconds | seleniumTimeoutSeconds |
| 1800 | false | int |
slowResourcesMode | seleniumSlowResourcesMode |
| false | false | boolean |
application |
The name of the application being run according to the * file | false | java.lang.String | ||
organization |
The organization (affiliate or company name) this application will be tested against. | false | java.lang.String | ||
postcondition |
| false | boolean | ||
sessionDelay |
Sets the tag to delay x milliseconds before anything else is executed. | 0 | false | long | |
beginSession |
Starts the applicattion and gets it to the state defined in the $
DEFAULTS to | false | boolean |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
keys |
The String to type into the field | true | java.lang.String | ||
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
condition |
The condition which should return true before timeout | true | java.lang.String | ||
timeout | seleniumWaitForTimeoutSeconds |
Amount of milliseconds to wait for the condition. | 20000 | false | int |
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |
Take a look at this tag's API docs and source code
for more information.
Attribute Name | Context Name | Description | Default | Required | Type |
value |
The expected value | true | java.lang.String | ||
timeout | seleniumWaitForTimeoutSeconds |
Amount of milliseconds to wait for the value. | 20000 | false | int |
locator |
The locator of the field. An example might be xpath=//input[@name='field_name'] See the Selenium javadocs for more information. | true | java.lang.String | ||
functionId |
The id of this function. This is used in the macro as a short description of the function | true | java.lang.String | ||
breakPoint |
Tells the GUI to stop at this functional point | false | boolean | ||
precondition |
Specifies this is a precondition | false | boolean | ||
postcondition |
Specifies this is a postcondition and will therefore get executed even if a previous functional point or session tag failed. | false | boolean | ||
expectFailure |
Specifies a failure is expected. | false | boolean | ||
expectException |
Specifies an exception is expected. | false | boolean | ||
functionDelay |
The delay time to use at the end of each functional point | -1 | false | long |